
"Got it Made in the Shader"

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A robot lounging in the shade

Our Events

More than Hackathons,
They're Innovation Festivals.


The Soul of Our Movement.

Hacktivate Nation hackathons are not just coding competitions, they are incubators for innovative ideas and groundbreaking solutions. We provide the platform, you bring your creativity and skill. Together, we make history.


Learn. Build. Grow

Our workshops focus on skill, development, best practices, and the latest technologies. Led by industry experts, these sessions are designed to equip you with the tools you need to excel.


Connect and Collaborate.

What sets our events apart is the emphasis on comunity and networking. Meet potential collaborators, mentors and even future employers. Your next big opportunity could be just a conversation away.

About Hacktivate Nation

Hacktivate Nation is not just a community; it's a movement aimed at fostering innovation, encouraging collaboration, and empowering the next generation of tech leaders.

A Community Movement

More than Coders, We are Change Makers.

We believe that the power of community can transform the world. Hacktivate Nation is not just about individuals coding in isolation; it's about collective action. It's about coming together to solve real-world problems, learn from each other, and make a meaningful impact.

The Pulse of Innovation

Igniting Ideas, One Hackathon at a Time.

Our hackathons serve as the beating heart of our movement. They are the platforms where ideas take flight, collaborations are forged, and innovative solutions are born. It's where you can challenge yourself, push boundaries, and step out of your comfort zone.

Social Media & Outreach

A Revolution, One Post at a Time.

Our social media channels are more than just informational outlets; they are digital campfires around which our community gathers. Through regular updates, webinars, and community-led initiatives, we keep the spirit of Hacktivate Nation alive and buzzing, long after the events have concluded.


Connect with us on these platforms